5 Digit RCA Universal Remote Codes List for All TVs

Last Updated on December 3, 2023 by Randall
In today’s high-tech era, juggling multiple remote controls for various devices has become a common household challenge. But what if you could simplify your entertainment experience with just one remote? That’s where the RCA Universal Remote steps in, a game-changer in the realm of home entertainment.
In this comprehensive guide, we’re excited to share with you an extensive list of 5-digit RCA Universal Remote codes, compatible with a wide range of TV brands. Whether you have a Samsung, LG, Sony, or any other TV brand, our list has got you covered.
Join us as we dive into the specifics of these codes, offering step-by-step instructions on how to program your RCA Universal Remote effortlessly.
Say goodbye to remote clutter and hello to convenience, as we help you unlock the full potential of your home entertainment setup with our complete 5-digit RCA Universal Remote Codes List for All TVs. Let’s embark on this journey of simplification and convenience together!
What is an RCA Universal Remote?
Understanding the RCA Universal Remote
At the heart of simplifying your home entertainment setup is the RCA Universal Remote. This innovative device is designed to consolidate the control of multiple electronic devices into one easy-to-use remote. The RCA Universal Remote is more than just a standard remote; it’s a versatile tool that can command nearly all the audio and video devices in your home.
How It Works
Unlike traditional remotes that are programmed to a specific device, the RCA Universal Remote can be programmed to work with a variety of brands and models of TVs, DVD players, DVRs, sound systems, and more. It does this through a series of pre-programmed codes that correspond to different devices and brands. These codes allow the remote to communicate with and control a wide range of devices, reducing the need to switch between multiple remotes.
The Benefits of an RCA Universal Remote
- Convenience: The most significant advantage of an RCA Universal Remote is convenience. Instead of using different remotes for each of your devices, you can control all of them with just one remote.
- Ease of Use: These remotes are user-friendly, featuring a layout that is intuitive and easy to navigate. They often come with features like backlit buttons and easy-to-read displays, making them accessible to all users.
- Compatibility: With a vast library of codes, RCA Universal Remotes are compatible with most brands and models of electronic devices. This wide compatibility makes them a versatile choice for any home entertainment system.
- Clutter Reduction: By replacing several remotes with one, you can significantly reduce clutter in your living space, offering a more organized and streamlined environment.
- Cost-Effective: If you lose or break your original device remote, an RCA Universal Remote can be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a brand-specific replacement.
A Solution for Every Household
Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or someone looking for a way to simplify your media consumption, the RCA Universal Remote is a practical solution. Its ability to adapt to different devices and brands makes it an indispensable tool in the modern home entertainment landscape.
In the following sections, we will delve into how you can utilize the full potential of your RCA Universal Remote by exploring the comprehensive list of 5-digit codes for various TV brands.
List of RCA 5 Digit Universal Remote Codes
While the previous section covered 4-digit codes suitable for various devices including TVs, DVD players, VCRs, and more, certain advanced devices require a more specific approach. Modern TVs and other sophisticated electronics often necessitate the use of 5-digit RCA Universal remote codes for effective pairing.
Stay tuned to find all the 5-digit codes you’ll need to optimize your RCA Universal Remote’s functionality with contemporary devices.
Admiral 10463, 10093
Aiko 10092
Anam National 10180, 10055
Advent 10842, 10817, 10815, 10783, 10761, 11933
Akai 10672, 10030, 10702, 10812, 11903
America Action 10180
AOC 10030
Apex Digital 10890, 10767, 10765, 10879, 10748
Albatron 10843, 10700
Aventura 10171
Audiovox 10875, 10802, 10623, 10092, 10180, 10451
Bell & Howell 10154
Bradford 10180
Broksonic 10463, 10236
BenQ 11032
Candle 10030
Carver 10054
Carnivale 10030
Celera 10765
Celebrity 10000
Citizen 10092, 10030, 10060
Changhong 10765
Commercial Solutions 10047, 11447
Clarion 10180
Craig 10180
Contec 10180
Crown 10180
Crosley 10054
CXC 10180
Curtis Mathes 10466, 10166, 10145, 10030, 10702, 10060, 10093, 10451, 10154, 10054, 10047, 11347, 11147
Dell 11178, 11080
Daewoo 10672, 10661, 10623, 11661, 10092, 10451
Denstar 10628
Denon 10145
Durabrand 11034, 10171, 10178, 10180, 10463
Dumont 10017
Emerson TV 11963, 10623, 10171, 10178, 10180, 10463, 10236, 10154
Electrograph 11755
Electroband 10000
Electrohome 10463
ESA 11963, 10171, 10812
Envision 10813, 10030
Funai 11963, 11271, 10171, 10180
Fisher 10159, 10154
Futuretech 10180
Fujitsu 10853, 10809, 10683
GE 10055, 10178, 10451, 10051, 10047, 11347, 11447
Go Video 10886
Gateway 11756, 11755
GoldStar 10030, 10178
Gibralter 10030, 10017
Grunpy 10180
Hallmark 10178
Haier 10768, 11034
Harvard 10180
Harman/Kardon 10054
Havermy 10093
Hello Kitty 10451
Hisense 10748
Helios 10865
Hyundai 10849
Hitachi 11960, 10151, 10145, 11145
Hewlett Packard 11502, 11494
iLo 11990
Infinity 10054
Insignia 11963, 11204, 10171, 12002
Initial 11990
Inteq 10017
Jensen 11933, 10817, 10815, 10761
JBL 10054
JVC 10731, 10052, 11253
JCB 10000
KEC 10180
KLH 10767, 10765
KTV 10030, 10180
Kenwood 10030
Kost 11262
Konka 10707, 10628
Loewe 10136
LXI 10178, 10156, 10154, 10054, 10047
LG 10856, 10700, 10178, 11265, 11178, 11758, 11993
Maxent 11755
Magnavox 10802, 10386, 10187, 10706, 10030, 10054, 11198, 11454, 11254, 11963, 11990
Matsushita 10650, 10250
MGA 10030, 10178, 10150
Motorola 10055, 10093
Marantz 10855, 10704, 10030, 10054
Memorex 10178, 10150, 10463, 10154
Megapower 10700
Megatron 10178, 10145
Multitech 10180
Mitsubishi 10836, 10178, 10150, 10093, 11250
Mintek 11990
Midland 10051, 10017, 10047
Monivision 10843, 10700
MTC 10030, 10060
NTC 10092
NAD 10178, 10156, 10866
NEC 11704, 10030
Nikko 10030, 10178, 10092
NetTV 11755
Norcent 10824, 10748
Optimus 10650, 10250, 10154, 10166,
Optonica 10165, 10093
Olevia 11240, 11144, 11331
Onwa 10180
Orion 10463, 10236, 11463
OptomA 10887
Petters 11523
Panasonic 11941, 11291, 10650, 10055, 10051, 10250
Pilot 10030
Penney 10030, 10178, 10060, 10051, 10156, 10047, 11347
Philco 10030, 10054
Pioneer 10679, 10166, 10866
Philips 10054, 11454, 10690
Prima 10817, 10815, 10783, 10761, 11933
Polaroid 11991, 11314, 11523, 11341, 11276, 11262, 10865, 10765
Portland 10092
Prism 10051
Princeton 10717, 10700
Proscan 10047, 11447, 11347
Pulsar 10017
Proton 10466, 10178
Quasar 10650, 10165, 10055, 10051, 10250
Runco 10030, 10017
RadioShack 10030, 10180, 10178, 10165, 10154, 10047
Realistic 10165, 10030, 10178, 10180, 10154
RCA 10679, 10090, 10047, 11147, 11447, 11047, 11347, 11958, 11547, 12002
Sansui 10463
Sampo 11755, 10030
Sanyo 10088, 10154, 10159
Samsung 10814, 10766, 10030, 10178, 10702, 10812, 10060, 11060, 11903
SSS 10180
Scott 10180, 10236, 10178
Scotch 10178
Sears 10159, 10171, 10178, 10156, 10154, 10054, 10047
Sheng Chia 10093
Sharp 10165, 11602, 10386, 10093,
SigneT 11262
Sony 10000, 11100, 11317
Starlite 10180
Simpson 10187
Soundesign 10178, 10180
Studio Experience 10843
Squareview 10171
Supreme 10000
Superscan 10864, 10093
SVA 10872, 10871, 10870, 10865, 10768, 10587, 10748
Syntax 11240, 11144, 11331
Symphonic 10171, 10180
Sylvania 11314, 11271, 10171, 11963, 10030, 10054
Tandy 10093
Technics 10051, 10250
TMK 10178
TNCi 10017
TVS 10463
Tatung 11756, 10055
Techwood 10051
Techview 10847
Teknika 10092, 10060, 10150, 10180, 10054
Telefunken 10702
Toshiba 10845, 10650, 10060, 10156, 10154, 11265, 11256, 11156, 11704, 11356, 11656
Victor 10053
Vector Research 10030
Vidtech 10178
Vizio 10885, 11758, 10864, 11756
Vidikron 10054
Viewsonic 11578, 11755, 11330, 10885, 10864, 10857
Waycon 10156
Wards 10866, 10165, 10030, 10178, 10054, 11156
White Westinghouse 10623, 10463
Westinghouse 10889, 10885, 11282, 10890, 11577
Yamaha 10030
Zenith 10092, 10017, 10463, 10178, 11265
LCD TV Codes
Apex Digital 10890
Audiovox 10802, 10180, 10875
Dell 11178, 11080
Funai 10171
Envision 10813
Go Video 10886
Hyundai 10849
iLo 11990
Insignia 12002, 11204
Initial 11990
Kost 11262
LG 11178, 10856, 11993
Marantz 10855
Mitsubishi 11250
Magnavox 10802, 11990, 11454, 11198
Mintek 11990
Maxent 11755
Olevia 11240, 11144, 11331
Petters 11523
Panasonic 11941, 10650
Polaroid 11276, 11341, 11262, 11523
Philips 11454
RCA 11958, 10047
Sampo 11755
Sharp 11602, 10093
Samsung 10766, 10812, 10814
SVA 10870, 10587, 10871
Signet 11262
Superscan 10864
Sylvania 11271, 10171, 11314
Syntax 11240, 11144, 11331
Symphonic 10171
Toshiba 11656, 10845
Techview 10847
Viewsonic 10864, 10885, 10857, 11578, 11330,
Vizio 10885, 10864, 11758, 11756,
Westinghouse 10889, 10885, 10890, 11577, 11282
Zenith 11265
A Complete List of 4-Digit RCA Universal Remote Codes
Embark on a hassle-free journey of programming your RCA Universal Remote with our meticulously compiled list of 4-digit codes. Designed for ease and efficiency, this guide serves as your go-to resource for finding the precise code needed for your specific device.
Abex TV 1172
Aiko TV 1016
Aiko VCR 2027
Advent TV 1238, 1062, 1005, 1219, 1291
Adventura TV 1174
Adventura VCR 2026
Admiral VCR 2001
Admiral TV 1046, 1001, 1083, 1047, 1191, 1173, 1095, 1211
Aiwa VCR 2026
Aiwa DVD Player 3350
American High VCR 2021
American Action TV 1038
Anam National TV 1192, 1193, 1003, 1194, 1038
Amtron TV 1038
Alleron TV 1047, 1046
Allegro DVD Player 3516
Akai VCR 2111, 2112, 2113, 2119, 2003, 2007, 2005, 2008
Akai TV 1002
AOC TV 1196, 1195, 1082, 1005, 1004, 1006, 1007
Asha VCR 2013
Apex TV 1236, 1287, 1241, 1376
Apex DVD Player 3374, 3372, 3608
Audiovox VCR 2054, 2014
Audiovox TV 1038
Audio Dynamics VCR 2010, 2009
Belcore TV 1004
Beaumark VCR 2013, 2012
Baysonic TV 1038
Brokwood TV 1004
Broksonic TV 1280, 1250, 1004, 1000
Broksonic DVD Player 3500, 3600
Broksonic VCR 2131, 2135, 2025, 2012, 2235
Bell & Howell VCR 2011
Bell & Howell TV 1048, 1001, 1049, 1083, 1073, 1162
Canon VCR 2022, 2021
Carnivale TV 1004
Calix VCR 2054, 2014
Capehart VCR 2020 , 2110
Candle VCR 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019
Candle TV 1132 , 1196, 1174, 1006, 1004, 1008
Carver VCR 2062
Carver TV 1062
Celera TV 1236
Celebrity TV 1002
CCE VCR 2061, 2027
Cineral TV 1190, 1016
Changhong TV 1236
Clarion TV 1038
Citizen VCR 2027, 2054, 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019
Citizen TV 1016, 1038, 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1171, 1105 , 1132 , 1196
Colortyme VCR 2009
Colortyme TV 1196, 1200, 1004 , 1006 , 1010
Crosley TV 1062, 1000
Colt VCR 2061
Crown TV 1130, 1038, 1171, 1062
Craig VCR 2013, 2014, 2061, 2054, 2023
Craig TV 1038
CXC TV 1038
Contec/Cony TV 1063, 1038, 1012 , 1013
Cybernex VCR 2013
Cyberhome DVD Player 3410
Curtis Mathes VCR 2009, 2000, 2115, 2083, 2086, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2024, 2089, 2091, 2087
Curtis Mathes TV 1015, 1048, 1000, 1006, 1004, 1049, 1212, 1171, 1162, 1196, 1073, 1105
DBX VCR 2010, 2009
Daewoo DVD Player 3613, 3536, 3375
Daewoo VCR 2110, 2251, 2174, 2028, 2026, 2027, 2025, 2019, 2017, 2015
Daewoo TV 1190, 1196, 1274, 1202, 1450, 1082, 1171, 1127, 1016, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1017
Durabrand TV 1038, 1004
Denon TV 1135
Daytron VCR 2110, 2061
Daytron TV 1006, 1004, 1196, 1171
Dimensia VCR 2089, 2083, 2086, 2000
Dimensia TV 1212, 1000
Dynatech VCR 2026
Dynatech TV 1004
Dumont TV 1196, 1004, 1217, 1151
Envision TV 1196, 1006, 1004
Electrohome TV 1020, 1019, 1022, 1000, 1003, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1019, 196, 1064
Electrohome VCR 2054, 2029, 2014
Electrophonic VCR 2014
Electroband TV 1002
Emerson TV 1006, 1004, 1023, 1012, 1024, 1026, 1025, 1027, 1030, 1029, 1028, 1073, 1124, 1123, 1171, 1177, 1162, 1179, 1196, 1208, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
Emerson DVD Player 3501, 3533, 3377, 3376
Emerson VCR 2003, 2007, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2024, 2021, 2026, 2025, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2036, 2034, 2038, 2037, 2039, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2044, 2046, 2045, 2047, 2054, 2105, 2065, 2113, 2116, 2117, 2149, 2181, 2136, 2130
Fuji VCR 2119, 2021
Fisher TV 1180, 1051, 1073, 1162, 1049
Fisher VCR 2050, 2049, 2051, 2052, 2118, 2023, 2021, 2048
Futuretec TV 1038
Fujitsu TV 1046, 1047
Funai DVD Player 3377
Funai VCR 2026
Funai TV 1189, 1047, 1046, 1038
GE DVD Player 3370, 3160, 3378
GE VCR 2083, 2053, 2000, 2021, 2013, 2022, 2087, 2086, 2091, 2089, 2120, 2115
GE TV 1022, 1004, 1006, 1003, 1000, 1052, 1054, 1055, 1087, 1064, 1100, 1181, 1196, 1164, 1166, 1165, 1168, 1167, 1212, 1213, 1233
Gateway TV 1242
Gilbralter TV 1151, 1004
Garrard VCR 2026
Gradiente VCR 2026
Gradiente TV 1239
Goldstar TV 1058, 1057, 1056, 1019, 1012, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1155, 1082, 1156, 1172, 1171, 1196
Grunpy TV 1038
Grundy TV 1171, 1038, 1047, 1046
Go Video DVD Player 3525, 3502
Go Video VCR 2157, 2155, 2152, 2150, 2147, 2134, 2237, 2159
Goldstar VCR 2057, 2054, 2009, 2014, 2018
Harley Davidson VCR 2026
Harvard TV 1038
Harman Kardon TV 1062
Harman Kardon VCR 2009
Hallmark TV 1196, 1004, 1006
Hello Kitty TV 1190
Havermy TV 1173
Harwood VCR 2061
Hi-Q VCR 2023
Hisense TV 1237
Headquarter VCR 2011
Hitachi DVD Player 3379, 3532, 3351
Hitachi VCR 2084, 2057, 2056, 2055, 2026, 2107, 2111, 2149, 2120, 2168
Hitachi TV 1063, 1061, 1060, 1059, 1013, 1012, 1006, 1004, 1179, 1196, 1198, 1185, 1199, 1449, 1135, 1136, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1148
Infinity TV 1130, 1062
Inteq TV 1151
IMA TV 1038
Instant Replay VCR 2021
Janeil TV 1174
JCL VCR 2021
JCB TV 1002
JBL TV 1130, 1062
JBL DVD Player 3251
JC Penney VCR 2022, 2021, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2118, 2107, 2084, 2062, 2061, 2060, 2056, 2055, 2054, 2051,
JC Penney TV 1087, 1082, 1072, 1064, 1063, 1058, 1057, 1055, 1054, 1052, 1022, 1013, 1008, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1000, 1196, 1181, 1172, 1171, 1167, 1166, 1132, 1109, 1105, 1104, 1100, 1233, 1212, 1207, 1203, 1201
Jensen VCR 2111, 2055, 2056, 2084
Jensen TV 1196, 1006, 1004
JVC VCR 2018, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2262, 2111, 2171, 2138, 2123
JVC DVD Player 3273, 3352, 3161, 3252, 3386, 3529, 3503, 3606, 3468, 3467, 3465, 3464, 3462, 3461, 3460, 3459, 3449, 3432, 3422, 3421, 3416, 3415
JVC TV 1430, 1396, 1393, 1269, 1239, 1285, 1182, 1159, 1158, 1157, 1123, 1067, 1066, 1065, 1063, 1060, 1054, 1055, 1013, 1012
Kawasho TV 1196, 1002, 1006, 1004
KLH TV 1241, 1236
KLH VCR 2061
KEC TV 1038
Kenwood TV 1019, 1006, 1196, 1004
Kenwood DVD Player 3380
Kenwood VCR 2123, 2111, 2018, 2016, 2011, 2010, 2009
Konka DVD Player 3354, 3353
Koss DVD Player 3254, 3253
KTV TV 1171, 1177, 1038, 1070
Kodak VCR 2021, 2054, 2014
Kloss Novabeam TV 1174, 1069, 1068, 1038, 1183
Lasonic DVD Player 3382
LG TV 1082, 1005, 1196
LG VCR 2054, 2014
Loewe TV 1062, 1130
Lloyd VCR 2026
Logik VCR 2061
Logik TV 1083, 1001
LXI VCR 2014, 2054
LXI TV 1073, 1072, 1071, 1062, 1049, 1048, 1006, 1000, 1196, 1181, 1162, 1130, 1109, 1100, 1212, 1203, 1207, 1233
Luxman TV 1004, 1196, 1006
Magnin VCR 2013
Majestic TV 1083, 1001
Magnavox TV 1088, 1077, 1076, 1075, 1069, 1068, 1062, 1019, 1008, 1006, 1004, 1196, 1183, 1134, 1133, 1132, 1131, 1130, 1370, 1377, 1273, 1291, 1271, 1235, 1219
Magnavox DVD Player 3258, 3162, 3496, 3478, 3427, 3383
Magnavox VCR 2248, 2264, 2063, 2062, 2022, 2021, 2108, 2105, 2104, 2124, 260
Marta VCR 2014
Marantz TV 1199, 1196, 1130, 1078, 1062, 1059, 1006, 1004
Marantz VCR 2076, 2064, 2062, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2016, 2011, 2010, 2009
MEI VCR 2021
Matsushita VCR 2021
Matsushita TV 1170
Memorex TV 1196, 1191, 1162, 1083, 1073, 1049, 1048, 1047, 1046, 1006, 1005, 1001
Memorex DVD Player 3384
Memorex VCR 2130, 2104, 2054, 2031, 2026, 2023, 2021, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2001
Megatron TV 1199, 1196, 1059, 1006
Minutz TV 1052
MGN Tech. VCR 2013
MGA TV 1019, 1196, 1082, 1080, 1079, 1064, 1051, 1022, 1019, 1006, 1005, 1004
MGA VCR 2113, 2065, 2029
Minolta VCR 2084, 2055, 2056, 2107
Midland TV 1181, 1172, 1171, 1151, 1100, 1055, 1054, 1233, 1217
Midland VCR 2053
Mintek DVD Player 3385
Mitsubishi DVD Player 3163
Mitsubishi VCR 2123, 2113, 2106, 2084, 2074, 2073, 2072, 2071, 2070, 2069, 2068, 2067, 2066, 2065, 2056, 2055, 2029
Mitsubishi TV 1082, 1081, 1080, 1079, 1064, 1051, 1022, 1019, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1125, 1135, 1196
Multivision TV 1084
Motorola VCR 2021, 2001
Motorola TV 1173, 1003
Montgomery Ward VCR 2075, 2001
Montgomery Ward TV 1083, 1001
Multitech TV 1038
Multitech VCR 2061, 2053, 2026, 2016, 2013
MTC VCR 2026, 2013
MTC TV 1105, 1196, 1082, 1006, 1005, 1004
NAD TV 1207, 1196, 1185, 1136, 1109, 1072, 1071, 1006
NAD DVD Player 3376
NTC TV 1016
Noblex VCR 2013
NEC VCR 2018, 2016, 2011, 2010, 2079, 2078, 2076, 2064, 2123, 2111
NEC TV 1200, 1196, 1082, 1010, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1003
Norcent DVD Player 3386
Nikko VCR 2054, 2014
Nikko TV 1016, 1006, 1196
Onwa TV 1038
Olympus VCR 2021
Oritron DVD Player 3392, 3253, 3254
Optimus TV 1185, 1136
Optimus VCR 2054, 2001, 2014
Onkyo DVD Player 3268, 3255, 3387
Optonica VCR 2096
Optonica TV 1173, 1095
Orion VCR 2130, 2086, 2089, 2031, 2000
Orion TV 1208, 1191, 1035, 1030
Panasonic TV 1170, 1130, 1109, 1062, 1055, 1054, 1003, 1289, 1286, 1277, 1275, 1253, 1246, 1392, 1389, 1350, 1419, 1418, 1406
Panasonic DVD Player 3300, 3388, 3607, 3537, 3520, 3469, 3463, 3458, 3456, 3442, 3264, 3257, 3256
Panasonic VCR 2022, 2021, 2109, 2167, 2158, 2127, 2126, 2125, 2273, 2266, 2265, 2259, 2244
Pentex Research VCR 2018
Pentax VCR 2120, 21084, 2107, 2056, 2055, 2016
Pilot VCR 2014
Pilot TV 1196, 1171, 1004
Philco VCR 2063, 2062, 2022, 2021
Philco TV 1088, 1082, 1077, 1075, 1069, 1068, 1062, 1019, 1012, 1008, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1003, 1196, 1183, 1134, 1132, 1130
Philips TV 1088, 1087, 1086, 1075, 1069, 1068, 1062, 1019, 1012, 1008, 1004, 1003, 1196, 1183, 1167, 1134, 1132, 1130, 1291, 1292, 1273, 1268, 1235, 1219, 1390, 1386, 1382, 1377, 1370, 1434, 1426, 1407
Philips DVD Player 3612, 3607, 3531, 3504, 3498, 3497, 3491, 3490, 3489, 3488, 3486, 3484, 3483, 3480, 3479, 3389, 3383, 3356, 3256, 3162
Philips VCR 2096, 2062, 2022, 2021, 2269, 2264, 2245, 2180, 2176, 2139, 2124
Pioneer TV 1196, 1185, 1179, 1136, 1092, 1091, 1006, 1004
Pioneer DVD Player 3494, 3493, 3492, 3470, 3391, 3390, 3259, 3165
Pioneer VCR 2123, 2081, 2080, 2055, 2010
Price Club TV 1105
Polaroid TV 1426, 1434
Polaroid DVD Player 3534
Polaroid VCR 2182
Protec VCR 2061
Prism TV 1055, 1054
Prima TV 1238
Portland TV 1196, 1171, 1082, 1016, 1006, 1005, 1004
Portland VCR 2110, 2019, 2017, 2016
Proton TV 1012, 1093, 1006, 1004, 1196
Proscan TV 1233, 1212, 1203, 1181, 1100, 1000
PROSCAN DVD Player 3499, 3370, 3160
PROSCAN VCR 2089, 2086, 2083, 2000
Pulsar VCR 2104
Pulsar TV 1217, 1196, 1151, 1004
Quarter VCR 2011
Qwestar DVD Player 3392
Quartz VCR 2011
Quasar VCR 2244, 2125, 2022, 2021
Quasar TV 1170, 1109, 1070, 1055, 1054, 1003
Radix VCR 2014
Radio Shack TV 1212, 1162, 1073, 1049, 1048, 1000
Radio Shack/Realistic TV 1095, 1073, 1049, 1048, 1038, 1012, 1006, 1004, 1000, 1196, 1172, 1171, 1162
RadioShack VCR 2096, 2054, 2050, 2014, 2001
RadioShack/Realistic VCR 2029, 2026, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2054, 2050, 2049, 2096
Randex VCR 2014
RCA TV 1099, 1098, 1096, 1082, 1055, 1054, 1019, 1007, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1003, 1000, 1196, 1190, 1188, 1181, 1179, 1129, 1103, 1102, 1101, 1100, 1352, 1286, 1281, 1279, 1278, 1266, 1258, 1257, 1233, 1215, 1212, 1203, 1202
RCA DVD Player 3604, 3601, 3517, 3505, 3477, 3409, 3393, 3371, 3370, 3302, 3161, 3160
RCA VCR 2091, 2090, 2089, 2088, 2087, 2086, 2085, 2084, 2083, 2082, 2056, 2055, 2022, 2013, 2007, 2003, 2000, 2184, 2173, 2140, 2125, 2120, 2115, 2107, 2100, 2261, 2253, 2252, 2250
Ricoh VCR 2128
Realistic TV 1000, 1073, 1049, 1162, 1212
Realistic VCR 2096, 2054, 2050, 2049, 2029, 2026, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2001
Roku code 53061, 52371
Runco TV 1217, 1151
Runco VCR 2104
Sampo TV 1004 , 1006 , 1171 , 1172 , 1196 , 1242
Samsung TV 1004 , 1005 , 1006 , 1012 , 1013 , 1015 , 1017 , 1019 , 1082 , 1104 , 1105 , 1106 , 1171 , 1172 , 1196 , 1201 , 1204 , 1252 , 1375 ,1378 , 1387 , 1436 , 1444 , 1445 , 1446
Samsung DVD Player 3308 , 3394 , 3471 , 3506 , 3519 , 3521 , 3525
Samsung VCR 2005 , 2013 , 2015 , 2033 , 2053 , 2112 , 2141,. 2147 , 2157 , 2159 , 2164 , 2237 , 2238 , 2250 , 2275
Sansei TV 1190
Sanky VCR 2001 , 2104
Sansui TV 1191 , 1208 , 1282 , 1284 , 1290
Sansui DVD Player 3600
Sansui VCR 2010 , 2092 , 2031 , 2111 , 2123 , 2130
Sanyo TV 1004 , 1048 , 1049 , 1073 , 1080 , 1107 , 1162 , 1169 , 1180 , 1196
Sanyo DVD Player 3359 , 3508 , 3518
Sanyo VCR 2011 , 2013 , 2023 , 2146
Semp Toshiba TV 1236
Scott TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1024 , 1035 , 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1196
Scott VCR 2012 , 2015 , 2025 , 2032 , 2038 , 2065 , 2116
Scotch TV 1006 , 1196
Semivox TV 1038
Sears TV 1000 , 1004 , 1006 , 1013 , 1019 , 1046 , 1047 , 1048 , 1049 , 1051 , 1063 , 1066 , 1071 , 1072 , 1073 , 1100 , 1109 , 1110 , 1162 ,1180 , 1181 , 1189 , 1196 , 1203 , 1207 , 1212 , 1233
Sears VCR 2000 , 2011 , 2014 , 2021 , 2023 , 2026 , 2028 , 2048 , 2049 , 2050 , 2051 , 2054 , 2055 , 2056 , 2084 , 2086 , 2089 , 2107 , 2118
Sheng Chia TV 1173
Sharp TV 1004 , 1006 , 1012 , 1026 , 1029 , 1095 , 1111 , 1112 , 1113 , 1122 , 1171 , 1173 , 1196 , 1261 , 1265 , 1357 , 1372 , 1423 , 1437 ,1443 , 1447
Sharp DVD Player 3398 , 3399 , 3310 , 3400 , 3401 , 3522
Sharp VCR 2001 , 2017 , 2029 , 2094 , 2095 , 2096 , 2097 , 2175 ,2254 , 2260 , 2276
Shogun TV 1004 , 1196
Shogun VCR 2013
Shintom VCR 2056 , 2061 , 2084 , 2098 , 2119
Singer VCR 2021 , 2061 , 2128
Signature TV 1001 , 1083 , 1173
Signature VCR 2001
Starlite TV 1038
Sony TV 1002 , 1205 , 1216 , 1218 , 1243 , 1435 , 1459
Sony VCR 2098 , 2099 , 2119 , 2154 , 2161 , 2263
Sony DVD Player 3166 , 3261 , 3269 , 3270 , 3271 , 3272 , 3360 , 3361 ,3404 , 3518
Supre-Macy TV 1174
Soundesign TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1132 , 1196
STSVCR 2021 , 2107
Sylvania DVD Player 3303 , 3377
Sylvania TV 1004 , 1006 , 1008 , 1019 , 1062 , 1068 , 1069 , 1075 , 1076 , 1077 , 1088 , 1116 , 1130 , 1132 , 1134 , 1161 , 1183 , 1189 , 1196 ,1353
Sylvania VCR 2021 , 2022 , 2026 , 2062 , 2063 , 2065 , 2124 , 2268
Supreme TV 1002
Symphonic TV 1026 , 1029 , 1033 , 1038 , 1046 , 1047 , 1155 , 1189
Symphonic VCR 2026 , 2168 , 2149
Tandy TV 1173
Tandy VCR 2011
Teac VCR 2111, 2085, 2026
Tatung TV 1003
Tatung VCR 2111
Techwood TV 1196, 1055, 1054, 1006, 1004
Tashiko TV 1072
Tashiko VCR 2054, 2014
Telecaption TV 1117
Technics TV 1055, 1054
Technics VCR 2109, 2021
Teknika TV 1083, 1082, 1076, 1063, 1047, 1046, 1038, 1016, 1013, 1012, 1008, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1001, 1196, 1171, 1170, 1132, 1105,
Teknika VCR 2100, 2054, 2026, 2022, 2021, 2014, 2129
TMK TV 1196, 1006, 1004
TMK VCR 2047, 2024, 2013
Tera TV 1093, 1012, 1004
TNCi TV 1151
Toshiba TV 1073, 1072, 1071, 1049, 1048, 1000, 1190, 1162, 1161, 1160, 1118, 1117, 1109, 1105, 1290, 1287, 1284, 1282, 1280, 1262, 1256, 1207, 1201, 1380, 1379, 1374, 1358, 1356, 1455, 1453, 1451, 1438
Toshiba DVD Player 3611, 3600, 3528, 3527, 3407, 3406, 3363, 3362, 3309, 3307, 3274, 3167, 3162
Toshiba VCR 2065, 2055, 2051, 2049, 2015, 2170, 2169, 2156, 2118, 2116, 2113, 2277, 2274, 2256, 2246
TVS TV 1191
Totevision TV 1171
Totevision VCR 2054, 2014, 2013
Unitech VCR 2013
Universal TV 1167, 1166, 1087, 1052
Victor TV 1182, 1066
Victor VCR 2010
Venturer DVD Player 3262
Vector Research TV 1004
Vector Research VCR 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009
ViewSonic TV 1242
Videosonic VCR 2013
Video Concepts VCR 2113, 2016, 2015, 2010, 2009
Viking TV 1174
Vidikron TV 1062
Vidtech TV 1006, 1005, 1004, 1196
Waycon TV 1236
Wards TV 1095, 1088, 1087, 1083, 1082, 1076, 1075, 1069, 1068, 1062, 1052, 1047, 1046, 1033, 1024, 1019, 1006, 1005, 1004, 1001, 1000, 1212, 1196, 1183, 1173, 1167, 1166, 1134, 1130, 1120, 1119
Wards VCR 2096, 2090, 2088, 2084, 2061, 2056, 2055, 2054, 2029, 2026, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2001, 2116, 2107, 2103, 2102, 2101
White Westinghouse TV 1191, 1190, 1001, 1000
XR-1000 VCR 2061, 2026, 2021
Xbox DVD Player 3160
Yamaha TV 1196, 1082, 1019, 1006, 1005, 1004
Yamaha DVD Player 3258
Zenith DVD Player 3535, 3516, 3408, 3364
Yamaha VCR 2111, 2018, 2011, 2010, 2009
Zenith TV 1083, 1051, 1004, 1001, 1000, 1196, 1154, 1153, 1152, 1151, 1217, 1210, 1464, 1463, 1449, 1428, 1427, 1424
Zenith VCR 2183, 2151, 2130, 2128, 2119, 2104, 2098, 2026
See also: GE universal remote codes for Vizio Tv
List of RCA 5 Digit Universal Remote Codes
While the previous section covered 4-digit codes suitable for various devices including TVs, DVD players, VCRs, and more, certain advanced devices require a more specific approach. Modern TVs and other sophisticated electronics often necessitate the use of 5-digit RCA Universal remote codes for effective pairing.
In this part of the article, we’ll provide an exhaustive list of these 5-digit codes. The programming process remains largely the same as with 4-digit codes, but with the key difference of entering a 5-digit code to sync your remote successfully with your device.
Stay tuned to find all the 5-digit codes you’ll need to optimize your RCA Universal Remote’s functionality with contemporary devices.
Admiral 10463, 10093
Aiko 10092
Anam National 10180, 10055
Advent 10842, 10817, 10815, 10783, 10761, 11933
Akai 10672, 10030, 10702, 10812, 11903
America Action 10180
AOC 10030
Apex Digital 10890, 10767, 10765, 10879, 10748
Albatron 10843, 10700
Aventura 10171
Audiovox 10875, 10802, 10623, 10092, 10180, 10451
Bell & Howell 10154
Bradford 10180
Broksonic 10463, 10236
BenQ 11032
Candle 10030
Carver 10054
Carnivale 10030
Celera 10765
Celebrity 10000
Citizen 10092, 10030, 10060
Changhong 10765
Commercial Solutions 10047, 11447
Clarion 10180
Craig 10180
Contec 10180
Crown 10180
Crosley 10054
CXC 10180
Curtis Mathes 10466, 10166, 10145, 10030, 10702, 10060, 10093, 10451, 10154, 10054, 10047, 11347, 11147
Dell 11178, 11080
Daewoo 10672, 10661, 10623, 11661, 10092, 10451
Denstar 10628
Denon 10145
Durabrand 11034, 10171, 10178, 10180, 10463
Dumont 10017
Emerson TV 11963, 10623, 10171, 10178, 10180, 10463, 10236, 10154
Electrograph 11755
Electroband 10000
Electrohome 10463
ESA 11963, 10171, 10812
Envision 10813, 10030
Funai 11963, 11271, 10171, 10180
Fisher 10159, 10154
Futuretech 10180
Fujitsu 10853, 10809, 10683
GE 10055, 10178, 10451, 10051, 10047, 11347, 11447
Go Video 10886
Gateway 11756, 11755
GoldStar 10030, 10178
Gibralter 10030, 10017
Grunpy 10180
Hallmark 10178
Haier 10768, 11034
Harvard 10180
Harman/Kardon 10054
Havermy 10093
Hello Kitty 10451
Hisense 10748
Helios 10865
Hyundai 10849
Hitachi 11960, 10151, 10145, 11145
Hewlett Packard 11502, 11494
iLo 11990
Infinity 10054
Insignia 11963, 11204, 10171, 12002
Initial 11990
Inteq 10017
Jensen 11933, 10817, 10815, 10761
JBL 10054
JVC 10731, 10052, 11253
JCB 10000
KEC 10180
KLH 10767, 10765
KTV 10030, 10180
Kenwood 10030
Kost 11262
Konka 10707, 10628
Loewe 10136
LXI 10178, 10156, 10154, 10054, 10047
LG 10856, 10700, 10178, 11265, 11178, 11758, 11993
Maxent 11755
Magnavox 10802, 10386, 10187, 10706, 10030, 10054, 11198, 11454, 11254, 11963, 11990
Matsushita 10650, 10250
MGA 10030, 10178, 10150
Motorola 10055, 10093
Marantz 10855, 10704, 10030, 10054
Memorex 10178, 10150, 10463, 10154
Megapower 10700
Megatron 10178, 10145
Multitech 10180
Mitsubishi 10836, 10178, 10150, 10093, 11250
Mintek 11990
Midland 10051, 10017, 10047
Monivision 10843, 10700
MTC 10030, 10060
NTC 10092
NAD 10178, 10156, 10866
NEC 11704, 10030
Nikko 10030, 10178, 10092
NetTV 11755
Norcent 10824, 10748
Optimus 10650, 10250, 10154, 10166,
Optonica 10165, 10093
Olevia 11240, 11144, 11331
Onwa 10180
Orion 10463, 10236, 11463
OptomA 10887
Petters 11523
Panasonic 11941, 11291, 10650, 10055, 10051, 10250
Pilot 10030
Penney 10030, 10178, 10060, 10051, 10156, 10047, 11347
Philco 10030, 10054
Pioneer 10679, 10166, 10866
Philips 10054, 11454, 10690
Prima 10817, 10815, 10783, 10761, 11933
Polaroid 11991, 11314, 11523, 11341, 11276, 11262, 10865, 10765
Portland 10092
Prism 10051
Princeton 10717, 10700
Proscan 10047, 11447, 11347
Pulsar 10017
Proton 10466, 10178
Quasar 10650, 10165, 10055, 10051, 10250
Runco 10030, 10017
RadioShack 10030, 10180, 10178, 10165, 10154, 10047
Realistic 10165, 10030, 10178, 10180, 10154
RCA 10679, 10090, 10047, 11147, 11447, 11047, 11347, 11958, 11547, 12002
Sansui 10463
Sampo 11755, 10030
Sanyo 10088, 10154, 10159
Samsung 10814, 10766, 10030, 10178, 10702, 10812, 10060, 11060, 11903
SSS 10180
Scott 10180, 10236, 10178
Scotch 10178
Sears 10159, 10171, 10178, 10156, 10154, 10054, 10047
Sheng Chia 10093
Sharp 10165, 11602, 10386, 10093,
SigneT 11262
Sony 10000, 11100, 11317
Starlite 10180
Simpson 10187
Soundesign 10178, 10180
Studio Experience 10843
Squareview 10171
Supreme 10000
Superscan 10864, 10093
SVA 10872, 10871, 10870, 10865, 10768, 10587, 10748
Syntax 11240, 11144, 11331
Symphonic 10171, 10180
Sylvania 11314, 11271, 10171, 11963, 10030, 10054
Tandy 10093
Technics 10051, 10250
TMK 10178
TNCi 10017
TVS 10463
Tatung 11756, 10055
Techwood 10051
Techview 10847
Teknika 10092, 10060, 10150, 10180, 10054
Telefunken 10702
Toshiba 10845, 10650, 10060, 10156, 10154, 11265, 11256, 11156, 11704, 11356, 11656
Victor 10053
Vector Research 10030
Vidtech 10178
Vizio 10885, 11758, 10864, 11756
Vidikron 10054
Viewsonic 11578, 11755, 11330, 10885, 10864, 10857
Waycon 10156
Wards 10866, 10165, 10030, 10178, 10054, 11156
White Westinghouse 10623, 10463
Westinghouse 10889, 10885, 11282, 10890, 11577
Yamaha 10030
Zenith 10092, 10017, 10463, 10178, 11265
LCD TV Codes
Apex Digital 10890
Audiovox 10802, 10180, 10875
Dell 11178, 11080
Funai 10171
Envision 10813
Go Video 10886
Hyundai 10849
iLo 11990
Insignia 12002, 11204
Initial 11990
Kost 11262
LG 11178, 10856, 11993
Marantz 10855
Mitsubishi 11250
Magnavox 10802, 11990, 11454, 11198
Mintek 11990
Maxent 11755
Olevia 11240, 11144, 11331
Petters 11523
Panasonic 11941, 10650
Polaroid 11276, 11341, 11262, 11523
Philips 11454
RCA 11958, 10047
Sampo 11755
Sharp 11602, 10093
Samsung 10766, 10812, 10814
SVA 10870, 10587, 10871
Signet 11262
Superscan 10864
Sylvania 11271, 10171, 11314
Syntax 11240, 11144, 11331
Symphonic 10171
Toshiba 11656, 10845
Techview 10847
Viewsonic 10864, 10885, 10857, 11578, 11330,
Vizio 10885, 10864, 11758, 11756,
Westinghouse 10889, 10885, 10890, 11577, 11282
Zenith 11265
Three Effective Ways to Set Up Your RCA Universal Remote Control
Harness the full potential of your RCA Universal Remote by following one of these three straightforward programming methods. Before you begin, ensure your remote’s batteries are fresh and correctly inserted, the device you wish to control is powered on, and its IR sensor is unobstructed. Aim your remote from an optimal angle, maintaining a clear line of sight.
1. Auto-Scan Programming Method
- Ideal for users who prefer an automated setup process.
- Begin by powering on the device you want to control (e.g., TV, DVD player).
- On your remote, press the corresponding device button (like ‘TV’). The ‘ON/OFF’ button should illuminate.
- Simultaneously press and hold the device button and ‘ON/OFF’ button. Release them when the light flashes.
- Press the ‘Play’ button; your device should turn off when the correct code is found.
- To save the code, press the ‘Stop’ button. This method can be repeated for different devices.
Read also: Dynex tv remote codes
2. Direct Code Entry Method
- A speedy method for those who have access to their device codes.
- Power on your TV or chosen device.
- Direct the remote towards the device and press the specific device button (‘TV’, for example).
- Enter the designated 4-digit or 5-digit code. A successful entry is indicated by a steady glow of the power button.
- Test the remote by changing channels or adjusting the volume. If the power button blinks four times and the device does not respond, retry with a different code.
3. Code Search Programming Method
- This method is a blend of automation and manual input, useful for those without specific device codes.
- Switch on the intended device.
- Hold down the ‘Code Search’ button on the remote until the indicator light remains on.
- Press the button for the device you’re programming (such as ‘TV’).
- Continuously press the ‘ON/OFF’ button until the device turns off, signaling the correct code has been found.
- Press ‘Enter’ promptly to save this code. If the device does not respond to the remote, try the direct code entry method.
In case of any issues, a simple reset of your remote (removing and reinserting the batteries) can often resolve programming challenges. By following these steps, you can efficiently unify control of all your devices under your RCA Universal Remote.
Read also: Onn 6 in 1 universal remote code list
Refreshing Your RCA Universal Remote: Resetting and Reprogramming
At times, you may find the need to disconnect your RCA Universal Remote from a particular device or refresh its settings entirely. Whether it’s to erase specific device codes or to perform a complete reset, the process is simple and effective.
Removing Specific Device Codes:
- Navigate to the ‘settings’ and then to the ‘program’ section on your remote. This is where all the device codes are stored.
- Identify and select the code associated with the device you wish to disconnect.
- Follow the on-screen prompts to remove this code.
- Repeat this step for any other device codes you wish to erase.
Conducting a Full Remote Reset:
- Start by removing the back cover of your remote to access the battery compartment.
- Carefully remove the batteries.
- Press and firmly hold the ‘1’ key for a full minute. This action discharges any residual power and clears the remote’s memory.
- After releasing the ‘1’ key, wait for about 10 seconds before reinserting the batteries.
- To ensure a thorough reset, repeat the above steps three to four times.
- After the final battery reinsertion, test the remote’s functionality by pressing the ‘ON/OFF’ button.
This reset process is an efficient way to troubleshoot common issues or prepare your remote for programming with new devices. It ensures that your RCA Universal Remote remains a reliable and versatile tool in your home entertainment setup.
See also: Magnavox universal remote codes
Frequently Asked Question
To find the right code, refer to the code list provided with your RCA Universal Remote. Codes are typically listed by device type and brand. If the provided list is not available, many manufacturers also publish their remote codes online.
If the listed codes don’t work, try the auto-search function on your RCA Universal Remote, which scans through all codes to find the one compatible with your device. Also, ensure that your remote’s batteries are fresh and that the device you’re trying to control is in line of sight.
Yes, RCA Universal Remotes are designed to control multiple devices. You can program it to control your TV, DVD player, satellite box, and other compatible devices by entering the unique code for each device.
To reset your remote, remove the batteries and press and hold the power button for about 30 seconds to discharge any residual power. Reinsert the batteries and reprogram the remote using the appropriate codes for your devices.
Yes, if you don’t have the code list, you can use the auto-search function. This method allows the remote to cycle through all possible codes until it finds one that works with your device. The steps for this process are typically outlined in the remote’s manual.
Simplify Your Entertainment Experience with RCA Universal Remote
The RCA Universal Remote offers a convenient solution for managing multiple devices in your home entertainment system. With comprehensive lists of 4-digit and 5-digit codes, along with various programming methods, you can easily set up and control your TV, DVD player, and other devices.
Remember, if you encounter any issues, the auto-search feature and reset instructions are always there to assist you. Embrace the simplicity and efficiency of a single remote to enhance your viewing experience. Happy programming!