Cox Cable Remote Codes 8820 [Full Program Instruction]

Last Updated on November 26, 2020 by Randall

Are you looking for cox cable remote codes 8820? We have listed here the full list of codes for Cox Cable Remote 8820. You can use the URC 8820 remote universal remote to control many devices such as TVs, Blu-Ray, DVDs, VCRs.

In addition to the codes, you’ll also need the program instruction of urc-8820-cisco which is added at the end of this page but before that check first the whole list of URC 8820 Moto codes.

The 4 Digits Cox Cable Remote Codes 8820

Action 0873

Admiral 0093, 0463

Advent 0761, 0783, 0815, 0817, 1933

Aiko 0092

Aiwa 1362

Akai 0812, 1675, 0702, 0765, 0030

Albatron 0700, 0843

Ambassador 0177

America Action 0180

Ampro 0751

Anam 0180

Aoc 0030, 1089, 1365, 1589, 1590

Aoc 2014, 2087, 2402, 2479

Aomni 1623

Apex Digital 0748, 0879, 0765, 0767, 0890

Astar 1531, 1738

Audiovox 0451, 0180, 0092, 2513, 2121

Aventura 0171

Axion 1937

Bell & Howell 0154

BenQ 1032, 1212, 1315, 2807

Bradford 0180

Broksonic 0236, 0463, 1905, 1911, 1929

Cadia 1283

Candle 0030

Canon 2743

Carnivale 0030

Carver 0054

Casio 1205

CCE 0623

Celebrity 0000

Celera 0765

Champion 1362

Changhong 0765

Citizen 0060, 0030, 0092, 0039, 1671

Clarion 0180

Coby 1538, 1634, 2306, 2314, 2315

Commercial Solutions 1447, 0047

Contec 0180

Craig 0180

Crosley 0000, 0054

Crown 0180, 0039

CTX 0700

CXC 0180

Cytron 1326

Daewoo 0154, 0451, 0092, 1661, 0039

Dell 1264, 1080, 1178, 1403, 1863

Delta 1369

Denon 0145

Diamond Vision 1997

Digistar 1565

Digital Lifestyles 1765

Digital Projection Inc. 1750

Disney 1665, 2152

Dream Vision 1164

Dumont 0017

Durabrand 0463, 0180, 0178, 0171, 1034

Dynex 1463, 1785, 1810, 2049, 2184

Electroband 0000

Electrograph 1755, 1623

Electrohome 0463, 1670, 1672

Element 1687, 1886, 2183

Emerson 1864, 0154, 0451, 0236, 0463

Emprex 1422, 1765

Encross 0876

Envision 0030, 0813, 1365, 1589, 2014

Epson 0833, 1122, 1290, 1735, 2192

ESA 0812, 0171, 1944, 1963

Fisher 0154, 1362

Flex Vision 0713

Fujitsu 0809, 0683, 0853

Funai 0000, 0180, 0171, 1271, 1904

Futuretech 0180

Gateway 1755, 1756

General Electric 1547, 1447, 0047, 0051, 0451

GFM 0171, 1665, 1963

Gibralter 0017, 0030

Go Video 0886, 1823

Gold Star 0178, 0030, 0039, 1926

Grundig 0683

H & B 1366

Haier 1034, 0768, 1748, 1749, 1753

Hallmark 0178

Hannspree 1348, 1351, 1745, 1783, 2786

Harley-Davidson 1904

Harman/Kardon 0054

Harsper 1206

Harvard 0180

Helios 0865

Hello Kitty 0451

Hewlett-Packard 1494, 1088, 1089, 1101

Hisense 0748, 1314, 1660, 2098, 2355

Hitachi 1643, 1145, 0145, 0679, 0724

HP 1494, 1088, 1089, 1101

Hyundai 0849, 1219, 1294

I-Inc 1746

iLo 1286, 1394, 1603, 1665, 1684

Infinity 0054

InFocus 0781, 1164, 1430, 2199

Initial 1603, 1990

Insignia 1423, 1564, 0463, 0171, 2432

Inteq 0017

IX 0877

JBL 0054

JCB 0000

JCM 2256

Jensen 0761, 0815, 0817, 1299, 1326

JVC 0463, 0053, 0650, 0731, 1253

KDS 1498, 1687

KEC 0180

Kenwood 0030

KLH 0765, 0767

Knoll Systems 0781

Konka 0707, 1385

Kost 1262, 1483

Kreisen 0876

KTV 0180, 0030, 0039

LG 1423, 1447, 0017, 1265, 0178

LiteOn 1088

Lloyds 1904

Luce 1031

LXI 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178

MAG 1498, 1687

Magnasonic 1928

Magnavox 1454, 1866, 1755, 0054, 0051

Magnin 1907

Marantz 1454, 0054, 0030, 0704, 0854

Matsushita 0250, 0650

Maxent 1755, 0762, 1211, 1714, 1757

MB Quart 1868

Megapower 0700

Megatron 0178, 0145

Memorex 0154, 0463, 0150, 0178, 0877

MGA 0150, 0178, 0030, 1907

Midland 0047, 0017, 0051, 0039

Mintek 1603, 1990

Mitsubishi 1250, 0093, 0150, 0178, 0836

Monivision 0700, 0843

Motorola 0093

MTC 0060, 0030

Multitech 0180

NAD 0156, 0178, 0866, 1156

Nakamichi 1493

Naxa 2104

NEC 0030, 0704, 0882, 1398, 1704

Net TV 1755, 0762

Nexus Electronics 2183

Nikko 0178, 0030, 0092

Norcent 0748, 0824, 1089, 1365, 1589

Norwood Micro 1286, 1296

NTC 0092

Nu Vision 1657, 2158

Olevia 1610, 1144, 1240, 1331

Onwa 0180

Optimus 0250, 0154, 0166, 0650, 1924

Optoma 0887, 1348, 2161, 2796

Optonica 0093

Orion 0236, 0463, 1463, 1905, 1911

Panasonic 1480, 0250, 1457, 0051, 0650

Park 2104

Penney 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0178

Petters 1523

Philco 0054, 0030, 0171, 1271, 1394

Philips 1454, 1866, 0054, 0690, 1154

Pilot 0030, 0039

Pioneer 1457, 0166, 0679, 0866, 1260

Polaroid 1523, 0765, 2425, 2121, 2117

Portland 0451, 0092, 1661, 0039

Prima 0761, 0783, 0815, 0817, 1785

Princeton 0700, 0717

Prism 0051

Projection Design 1750

Proscan 1447, 0047, 0030, 0466, 1347

Proton 0178, 0466

Proview 1498, 1687

Pulsar 0017

Pyle 1200, 2196

Quasar 0250, 0051, 0650, 1291, 1924

Radio Shack 0047, 0154, 0180, 0178, 0030

RCA 1547, 1447, 0047, 0051, 0093

Realistic 0154, 0180, 0178, 0030, 0039

Revolution HD 1623

Runco 0017, 0030, 1292, 1398

Sampo 1755, 0030, 0039, 0762

Samsung 0812, 0060, 0702, 0178, 0030

Samsux 0039

Sansui 0463, 0171, 1409, 1670, 1892

Sanyo 0054, 0154, 0088, 0799, 1142

Sceptre 0878, 1217, 1360, 1599, 2337

Scotch 0178

Scott 0236, 0180, 0178, 1711

Sears 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178

Seleco 1351

Sharp 0818, 0093, 0039, 0688, 0851

Sheng Chia 0093

Sherwood 1399

Signature 0054

Signet 1262

Skyworth 1799

Sole 1031, 1366, 1483, 1623, 2075

Sony 0810, 0000, 0834, 1685, 1786

Soundesign 0180, 0178

Sova 1952

Soyo 1520, 1746, 1824

Spectroniq 1498, 1687

Squareview 0171

SSS 0180

Starlite 0180

Studio Experience 0843

Sun Brite 1420, 2337

Superscan 0093, 0864, 1944

Supreme 0000

SVA 0748, 0587, 0768, 0865, 0870

Sylvania 1864, 0054, 0030, 0171, 0587

Symphonic 0180, 0171, 1394, 1904, 1944

Syntax 1610, 1144, 1240, 1331

Tandy 0093

Tatung 1101, 1286, 1288, 1361, 1756

Technics 0250, 0051

Techview 2004

Techwood 0051

Teco 1040

Teknika 0054, 0180, 0150, 0060, 0092

Telefunken 0702

Thomas 1904

TMK 0178, 0177

TNCi 0017

Toshiba 1524, 0154, 0156, 1256, 1265

Totevision 0039

TruTech 1665, 1723, 2066

TVS 0463

US Logic 1286

Vector Research 0030

Venturer 1865

Veos 1007

Victor 0053

Vidikron 0054, 1292, 1398

Vidtech 0178

Viewsonic 1755, 0724, 0797, 0857, 0864

Viore 1207, 1684, 1811, 2104, 2352

Visart 1336

Vistron 2142

Vizio 1758, 0864, 0885, 1756, 2512

Wards 0000, 0047, 0054, 0017, 0154

Waycon 0156

Westinghouse 1712, 0451, 0885, 0889, 0890

White Westinghouse 0463, 1661, 0623

Wyse 1365

Yamaha 0030, 0769, 0797, 0833, 0839

Zenith 0000, 1423, 0047, 0017, 0463

Blu-Ray Player – Recorder CODES:

Denon 2258

Insignia 0675, 2428, 2596

Integra 2147

JVC 2365

LG 0741, 1602

Magnavox 0675

Marantz 2414

Olevia 2331

Onkyo 2147

Oppo 2545

Panasonic 1641

Philips 2084, 2434

Pioneer 0142, 2442

Samsung 0199

Sharp 2250

Sony 1516

Sylvania 0675

Toshiba 2705

Viore 2553

Vizio 2563

Yamaha 2298

Digital Video Recorder CODES:

ABS 1972

Alienware 1972

CyberPower 1972

Dell 1972

DirecTV 0739

Gateway 1972

Go Video 0614

Hewlett-Packard 1972

Howard Computers 1972

HP 1972

Humax 0739

Hush 1972

iBuyPower 1972

Linksys 1972

Media Center PC 1972

Microsoft 1972

Mind 1972

Niveus Media 1972,

Northgate 1972

Panasonic 0614, 0616

Philips 0739, 0618

ReplayTV 0614, 0616

Sonic Blue 0614, 0616

Sony 0636, 1972

Stack 91972

Systemax 1972

Tagar Systems 1972

TiVo 0739, 0618, 0636

Toshiba 1972

Touch 1972

Viewsonic 1972

Voodoo 1972

ZT Group 1972,


Accurian 0675

Aiwa 0641

Akai 0695

Alco 0790

Allegro 0869

Apex Digital 0672, 0717, 0755

Astar 1461

Audio Authority 2555

Audiovox 0717, 0790

Bel Canto Design 1571

Blaupunkt 0717

Blue Parade 0571

Broksonic 0695

California Audio Labs 0490

CineVision 0869

Citizen 0695, 2116

Coby 1107, 2494

Craig 0831

Curtis-Mathes 1087

CyberHome 0816, 1024, 1129

Daewoo 0869, 1172

Denon 0490, 0634, 1634, 2258

Disney 0675, 1270, 2318

Dynex 2596

Electrohome 2116

Emerson 0591, 0675, 2213

Enterprise 0591

Fisher 0670

Funai 0675

Gateway 1077, 1158

General Electric 0522, 0815, 0717

GFM 0675

Go Video 0744, 0741, 0783, 0869, 1044

Gold Star 0741, 0869

Greenhill 0717

Grundig 0539

Harman/Kardon 0582, 0702, 1229

Helios 2192

Hello Kitty 0831

Hitachi 0573, 0664

Hiteker 0672

Humax 1588

iLo 1348

Initial 0717

Insignia 0675, 0741, 2095, 2428, 2596

Integra 0571, 1769, 0627, 1634, 2147

Irradio 0646

JBL 0702

JVC 0558, 0623, 0867, 1164, 1275

Kawasaki 0790

Kenwood 0490, 0534

KLH 0717, 0790, 1020

Lasonic 0798

LG 0591, 0741, 0869, 1602, 2135

LiteOn 1158

Logitech 2639

Magnavox 0503, 0539, 0646, 0675, 1354

Marantz 0539, 2414

McIntosh 1273

Memorex 0695, 0831, 1270, 2213, 3153

Microsoft 0522, 2083

Mintek 0717

Mitsubishi 1521

NAD 0741

Nesa 0717

Norcent 1107, 1461

Olevia 2331

Onkyo 0503, 1769, 0627, 1627, 2147

Oppo 0575, 2185, 2545

Panasonic 0490, 0503, 0703, 1579, 1641

Philco 0675

Philips 0503, 0539, 2056, 2084, 0646

Pioneer 0571, 0142, 0631, 1512, 1571

Polaroid 1020, 1061

Polk Audio 0539

Presidian 0675

Proceed 0672

Proscan 0522

Proton 1461

RCA 0522, 0571, 1769, 0717, 0790

RE-BL 2555

Rio 0869

Rotel 0623

Samsung 0490, 0573, 0199, 0820, 1044

Sansui 0695

Sanyo 0670, 0695

Schneider 0646

Sensory Science 1158

Sharp 0630, 0675, 1256, 2250

Sherwood 1077

Shinsonic 0533

Sonic Blue 0869

Sony 1633, 0533, 0864, 0772, 1033

Sylvania 0675

Symphonic 0675

Teac 0790

Technics 0490, 0703

Theta Digital 0571

TiVo 1503, 1512

Toshiba 0503, 1769, 0695, 1154, 1503

Urban Concepts 0503

Venturer 0790

Viore 2553

Vizio 1064, 2563

WB Electronics 2555

Xbox 0522, 2083

Xbox 2083,

Yamaha 0490, 0539, 0646, 0545, 0497

Zenith 0503, 0591, 0741, 0869

Tuner CODES:

Aiwa 1405, 0189, 0121, 1388, 1641

Alco 1390

AMC 1077

Amphion Media 1563

AMW 1563

Anam 1609

Apex Digital 1257, 1430, 1774

Arcam 1189, 0189

Audiotronic 1189

Audiovox 1390

Bose 1629, 1841, 1933

Boston Acoustics 2162

Capetronic 0531

Carver 1189, 0189, 0121

Coby 1389, 2127

Curtis-Mathes 1389

Daewoo 1250

Denon 2857, 1360, 0176, 1142, 1460

Dynex 2971

Fisher 1801

Gateway 1517

Harman/Kardon 0110, 0189, 1304, 1306, 2241

Hitachi 1273, 1801

iHome 2435

Insignia 1030, 1077, 1751, 1893, 2126

Integra 1298, 1320, 1805

iSymphony 2258, 2442

JBL 0110, 1306, 2241

JVC 0531, 1374, 1495, 1871, 2040

Kenwood 1313, 1569

KLH 1390, 1428

Koss 1366, 1497

LG 1293, 2197, 2284, 2676

Linn 0189

Liquid Video 1497

Magnavox 1189, 1269, 0189, 0531, 1514

Marantz 1189, 1269, 0189, 1289, 2114

McIntosh 1289

Micromega 1189

Myryad 1189

Nakamichi 1313

NexxTech 1751

Norcent 1389, 1751

Nova 1389

Onkyo 0842, 1298, 1320, 1531, 1805

Optimus 1023, 0531

Oritron 1366, 1497

Panasonic 1308, 1518, 1275, 1288, 1316

Philips 1189, 1269, 0189, 1266, 1831

Pioneer 1023, 0176, 0531, 1384, 1935

Polk Audio 0189, 1289, 2270

Proscan 1254

RCA 1023, 1609, 1254, 0531, 1390

Rio 1869

Samsung 1295, 1304, 1500, 1868

Sansui 0189

Sanyo 1801

Sherwood 1077, 1517, 1905, 2169

Sonic Blue 1869

Sony 1759, 1058, 1441, 1258, 1622

Stereophonics 1023

Sunfire 1313

Teac 1390, 1528

Technics 1308, 1518, 1633

Thorens 1189

Toshiba 1788

Venturer 1390

Vizio 1517

Wards 0189

Yamaha 0176, 0376, 1176, 1276, 1331

Zenith 1293, 2197

Read also: Cox Universal Remote Codes

Programming Instructions for the Universal Electronics COX URC 8820 Remote Control:

  1. Turn on your device.
  2. Try to find your brand TV from the list above.
  3. Press the TV key and then let go off the TV key.
  4. Press and hold the MUTE and SELECT keys at the same time.
  5. Do this until you see the tiny light blinks two times.
  6. Go to the list above and pick the right code for your device.
  7. If the power off works, that’s good if not, then go for another code. Try many codes until you’ll find the right one.

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