LG Bluray Remote Codes – The Universal LG Blu-Ray Player Remote Codes

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by Randall
Today we are going to talk about LG blu ray player remote codes, actually the LG blu-ray comes with its original remote, but sometimes it could happen that you lost it, that’s why we are here to help you to how to program lg blu ray remote to tv using the universal lg blu ray player remote codes.
We know that if you want to use a universal remote for your LG blu-ray you’ll need the codes that we are providing below, however, even if you have the codes you’ll need a guide for programming your universal remote which you’ll find at the button of this page.
The 4 Digits LG Blu-Ray Universal Remote Codes
- 2352
- 2339
- 0741
- 2270
- 2371
- 1602
- 2368
- 2303
- 2039
- 2297
Read also: Universal Remote Codes for Dynex TV
The 3 LG Blu Ray Player Remote Codes for your Universal Remote
- 899
- 824
- 615
- 673
How to Program LG Blu Ray Remote to TV
- Turn on your LG blu-ray.
- Find now the Menu option and and press the Settings button plus Program Remote then simply choose Sound.
- Normally, the tiny light will block 4 times, when it does look for any of the codes listed from the list above (the 4 digits), if you enter the right code the light will go off, if not try another code till you do it.
- To make sure that the whole process has done right press any button on your universal remote, if it works that’s mean everything is ok, if not you have to repeat the whole operation.
Check also: Universal Remote Codes for Toshiba TV
To clarify more the process for the universal remote codes for LG blu ray player you also watch this video and good luck.